Welcome to Reception – Mrs Hyde, Mrs Haigh, Ms. Sephton, Ms. Taylor and Ms Turner
Please have an explore of the learning we have been doing and what exciting things we have coming up.
Last half term we were learning about: The Seaside
What we learned last half term:
Mrs Hyde and The Early Years team would like to welcome you back into school. We hope you have enjoyed lots of adventures over the holidays and are ready to start our learning adventure together.
My name is ‘Everywhere Bear’ I am looking forward to meeting you all.
Well done to everyone who gained Class Dojo points during the last half term.
Our top scorers were:
We use Class Dojo in school to reward children when they make positive behaviour choices such as helping others, wonderful walking and super sitting.
We record the top dojo winners every half term.
Take a sneaky peak at some of our new learning areas:
We are most proud of: Having a go at adding storylines to our pretend play. We have listened to others’ ideas and suggestions
This half term we will be learning about: Traditional Tales
Our class books include: The Gingerbread Man.
Our Prime areas of learning are Communication & Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
As communicators we will: listen during carpet times, listen to and join in with rhymes, tell you one of the character’s names from a story we have read and begin to show understanding when asked a question.
As healthy movers we will: move by… – rolling – crawling – walking – jumping – running – hopping – skipping-climbing and spinning. Move around an obstacle course with adult support. Begin to use large apparatus outside. Use small world to role play. Build with blocks. Do a simple dough disco. Cut with knives. Draw representations of people and objects. Hold a spoon to eat and mark make.
As individuals and friends, we will: Tell you what I like, tell you who is in my family, understand the need for hygiene, try new activities. Express my needs and feelings using words as well as non-verbally. Observe work other children have completed. Listen to an adult, listen to my friend, be kind to others. Understand the class rewards system. Listen to a story and think about the feelings of the characters.
Within Reception we will complete four carpet sessions a day. Our morning sessions focus on Phonics and Writing and our afternoon sessions focus on Math and Reading along with story time to finish the day.
Homework: Children in Reception will be sent home with books from the Read, Write Inc scheme and book bags need to brought to school every day. Reading diaries will be checked on a Thursday to mark if the children have read 5 times or more for the children to come in non-uniform on a Friday.