A proud member of

Class 4 (Fantastic Four)

Welcome to Fantastic Four’s Page – Mr West, Mrs Eastwood, Mr Thomson and Mrs Miles.

Please have a look around at all our super learning.


Last half term we were learning about: British History – The Romans.




Our team Class Dojo score was: 3931

               Our record remains: 7620

Our Most Valuable Super Learners were:

FeB, KS, FlB, J-BH, MM, AM, IC, TW, RJ,

L Ham & L Haz.



Take a look at some of the fantastic learning we have done:



We are the proudest of: The understanding our team have gained of the Roman Empire (old team) and the fantastic start our new team member made in transition day.


This half term we will be learning about: The City of York.

As part of our learning theme we will learn about: 

  • How to read maps, standard notation used on OS maps.
  • Where in the country of York? What is it near? How far is it from Ackworth?
  • The features of a city. Why are York, Leeds and Wakefield cities but Pontefract is a town and Ackworth a village?
  • What makes York special? The Minster, Walls, lanes.
  • What amenities do the people of York need? What is provided for them?
  • Transport in York and how do people travel to and from the city?
  • Entertainment and leisure in York.


Our key PSHE / RSE focus for this half term is: Relationships


We will be developing this by: 

  • Learning about the features of a healthy relationship.
  • Strategies to develop healthy friendships.
  • Communicating respectfully.
  • Keeping or sharing secrets or confidences.
  • Learning how to recognise discrimination.
  • How to respond if we witness hurtful behaviour.


Our Topic books are: The Secret Garden, The Primary Atlas, OS Map York and Selby, The History of York Minster, York – A Visitor’s Guide.




Our guided reading text is: Varjak Paw.



An audio version of our text can be found here.











In Maths we will learn about: Column addition and subtraction, numbers to 10,000 and the perimeter of shapes.


For more details on our maths learning check out the detail on our overview of learning or visit the NCETM website HERE.




In English we will be learning about:

  • Narrative – Setting descriptions and retellings
  • Information texts.

We will be developing and practicing these Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation skills:

  • Capital letters
  • Exclamation marks
  • Capital Letter for start of sentence, names, personal pronoun – I
  • Adjectives (range of describing different aspects)
  • Adverbs
  • Figurative language
  • Prepositions
  • Nouns and pronouns used for clarity and cohesion
  • A wider range of conjunctions
  • Correct use of simple present tense
  • Writing in the 3rd person


    Words ending /ʒə/

    possessive apostrophe with singular proper nouns

    Homophones (peace/piece, main/mane, fair/fare)

    Words from statutory and personal spelling lists


      anticlockwise letters – a, c

      anticlockwise letters – d, g

      anticlockwise letters – o, q



      In Science we will learn about: States of matter.



      As part of our science learning we will be:

      • Sorting materials into solids. liquids or gases based on their properties.
      • Learning and comparing the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
      • Finding the boiling point and melting point of different materials including water.
      • The processes of evaporation and condensation.
      • The water cycle.



      Learners in KS2 will have weekly Multiplication and spelling tests. For their homework they are expected to prepare for this by practicing the spellings and their target times tables. We also hope that children are using Times Tables Rock stars website to help speed of recall of these vital learning facts. All learners should also be reading regularly at home and talking about the books they have experienced with adults or siblings.

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