Welcome to Nursery’s Page – Miss Brooke
Please have a look around at all the super learning we have been doing.
Last half term we were learning about: Into the Garden
- Different lifecycles, such as the lifecycle of a plant, a butterfly and a frog. We drew these life cycles and some of us began to write labels.
- We learned to blend CVC words with a short vowel.
- We sang lots of number songs to help our understanding of number quantities.
- We practiced our mark making skills, perfected our pencil grip and made sure that we were using closed shapes in our drawings.
Here are some examples of the amazing learning we have been doing:
Last Half term our Dojo total was:
Our top scorers were:
We are the most proud of: The progress children have made in phonics.
This half term we will be learning about: On the beach.
Our key Learning skills for this half term is: Communication and collaborating
We will be developing it by:
- Working with our friends to create our own small worlds.
- Learning a new communication skill each week.
Our class books for Literacy include:
- Sharing a shell (Julia Donaldson).
- Starry-eyed Stan (Twinkl)
- A place for plastic (Twinkl)
- The lighthouse keepers lunch (Rhonda Armitage.
- The storm whale (Benji Davies)
- Flostsam (David Weisner)
- Billys Bucket (Kes Gray)
As readers and writers we will:
- Write my name.
- Write some other letters accurately.
- Use my early phonic knowledge to write single letters.
- Say the rhymes as I write letters
- Talk about what I like and dislike about books.
- Talk about what I can see in books and relate these to my real life experiences.
As scientists, historians, and geographers we will:
- Explore forces in more detail, using language such as push, pull.
- Understand that some people live life differently to us.
As mathematicians we will:
- Understand that zero is the same as ‘nothing’, or ‘all gone’.
- Solve real life maths problems.
- Talk about a familiar route using positional language.
- Begin to use the language of more/less.
- Subitise numbers 1-3.
- Count objects, claps and actions confidently and accurately.
- Use objects to represent some numbers.
We encourage all parents to share stories with their children every night.
Please continue to practice putting on own shoes/socks/coats at home.