A proud member of

Class 6 (Superb Six)

Welcome to Class 6’s Page – Mrs Annable and Mrs Morton

Please have a look around at all the super learning we have been doing.





Last half term we were learning about: The Victorians.



What we learned last half term:



Last term Class 6 earnt an amazing _____ dojo points!

Our top five were: LB, NF, LM, DS, JE & PJ.







Take a look at some of the fantastic learning we have done:


We are most proud of:



This half term we will be learning about: World War II.



Our key driver for this half term is: Community involvement.


We will be developing it by: investigating how World War II impacted on the lives of the residents and community of Ackworth. We will also continue to visit Ackworth Community Library.








Our guided reading text/class book is: Goodnight Mister Tom, by Michelle Magorian.


In Maths we will learn about: Calculating, using knowledge of structures & multiples of 1,000.


In science, we shall be learning about: Electricity.


In topic we will learn about: World War II.





Homework: To read every day, to learn weekly spellings, to learn our times tables and to complete arithmetic test questions.


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